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Internal Information Channel

POLO CLUB makes its internal information channel available to any natural person, who has obtained information about breaches in a work or professional context, in order to comply with Spanish Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory and anti-corruption violations.


What is the Internal Information Channel?


The Internal Information Channel is the preferred channel for communicating actions or omissions that may constitute:

  1. infringements of European Union law.
  2. serious or very serious criminal or administrative offenses.
  3. breaches in relation to any internal Polo Club conduct regulations.

The Internal Information Channel is integrated into the POLO CLUB Internal Information System, which is governed by our Internal Information System Policy.

Under no circumstances should the Internal Information Channel be used to process complaints and claims about our products. The route enabled for this will be the Customer Service through the address: contact@poloclub.com.

Information on the processing of personal data carried out through the Internal Information Channel can be found in the Privacy Policy of the Internal Information System.

How to submit a communication?

Our Internal Information Channel covers the following channels:

  • In writing:

By filling out the form through the following link: https://whistleblowersoftware.com/secure/poloclub-canal-interno Please note that our Internal Information Channel allows the possibility of making anonymous communications.

  • Verbally:
If you wish, you can request a face-to-face meeting with POLO CLUB.



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Wenn Sie Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter contact@poloclub.com